Browse common questions about partnering with Noah.
Browse common questions about partnering with Noah Chemicals.
We’ve compiled a list of answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about ordering products from Noah Chemicals. If you have a question that isn’t addressed below, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.
We make every effort to keep our posted prices current. However, Noah Chemicals reserves the right to make price changes as necessary without formal notice. Website prices are valid provided Noah Chemicals has the material in stock for the quantity you wish to order.
If the material is not in stock, our team will provide you with a current quotation. Prices do not include shipping charges, insurance, hazard fees, special packing and/or packaging, duties, taxes, brokerage fees, or other applicable fees or charges.
For many commonly requested products, Noah Chemicals maintains a consistent level of stock. However, other specialty products are made to order.
To check the availability of a product, please contact Noah Chemicals directly and our sales team will be happy to advise you if the material is in stock. If it is not in stock, our sales team can estimate how long the lead time will be to manufacture the product.
Noah Chemicals standard payment terms are 50% due upon receipt of the Purchase Order and the remaining 50% upon receipt of the final invoice. To request longer payment terms, please contact our Accounting Department.
Payment can also be made via company check, wire transfer or credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted.) No orders will be shipped COD and no personal checks will be accepted as payment.
The FOB point for Noah Chemicals is San Antonio, Texas, unless otherwise noted.
Noah Chemicals will ship your order according to the instructions you provide. When no method of shipment is indicated, our team will select the most cost-effective method for shipment based on the product, hazard class, packaging and required date of delivery.
In some cases, products require special packaging due to the hazard involved and the method of shipment. Should your order require any special packaging where additional fees would apply, you will be contacted in advance. In addition, freight carriers like UPS and Federal Express charge their own hazard fees, which will be added to your invoice as applicable for prepaid shipments. No discount is extended on these charges. Noah Chemicals utilizes only reliable and reputable transportation companies with a proven track record for on-time deliveries, but we cannot be responsible for their performance.
As a courtesy, Noah Chemicals can provide you with estimated domestic shipping costs in order to assist you in selecting your freight carrier. Shipping costs vary from product to product, and are based on the shipping method selected, packing and/or packaging required, quantity shipped, hazard fees, and the destination. Because of these factors, we cannot give exact shipping costs at the time of order placement, only estimates.
It is not required to have a current account with Noah Chemicals in order to purchase products online. If you are a first-time customer of Noah Chemicals, our sales team will simply set up an account for you when you place your first order.
Immediately after you place your online order, you will receive an automated confirmation with the details of your order. Once our sales team receives your order in-hand, you will receive a formal order confirmation via fax or email from a Noah Chemicals sales representative, who will provide you with an estimated ship date and additional order details.
All order and company data submitted to us will be kept completely confidential and secure.
Due to the potential hazards involved with handling chemicals, Noah Chemicals only sells to verifiable companies. If you are ordering from Noah Chemicals for the first time, the order will go through an internal verification process before it is filled. All shipments must be made to a company address. Noah Chemicals will not ship to residential addresses.
1 Noah Park
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Sales: +1 (210) 807-4443
Chemicals Services: (833) 662-NOAH
Office: (210) 691-2000